The much beloved PSF Library (of the students, by the
students, for the students) will be celebrating its 5th anniversary
from the 23rd to 29th June 2013. “Book Worms” have a chance to celebrate their
unfathomable love for literature through various programs viz. literature
quiz, Book review writing competition, fast writing competition and a bookmark
designing competition.
The details are:
Book review competition: Tuesday, 25th June, 5PM seminar hall
Fast writing competition : Tuesday, 25th June, 5PM seminar hall
Bookmark designing: : To be submitted to a parikramite or in
the PSF library by Thursday 27th june
Literature Quiz : : 28th june, 2:30 pm, Auditorium
The PSF library will remain open from 6-8pm throughout the
Libraray week( 23rd -28th june).
New memberships can be obtained at a special charge of Rs.
50 (limited to the library week) with two photos (1 auto+ 1 PP).